VG Automotive Club

Hugh James is a leading, full-service UK law firm which cares about fighting for the right outcomes, protecting individuals and livelihoods. At Hugh James, challenges – of all sizes – are readily accepted.

How can we help you?

Motorcycle accident claims

Motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable road users in the UK and an accident on a motorcycle can be a real worry for any motorcyclist and their family.

The solicitors at Hugh James who deal with motorcycle accident compensation claims are highly skilled and experienced in dealing with cases of the utmost severity and complexity involving very serious injuries.

Our expert solicitors have assisted motorcyclists following many different motorcycle accident scenarios for many years, some of which have involved:

  • Injuries caused by dangerous driving
  • Defective roads such as pothole or spillages
  • Injuries to a pillion passenger
  • Speeding, filtering or loss of control on the road
  • Injuries due to opening car doors
  • Collisions following a hit and run

The solicitors at Hugh James understand that motorcyclists have much less physical protection than car occupants so usually, after a road collision, the motorcyclist is more seriously injured. Our team specialise in claims that involve head injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations and other life-changing injuries which affect the injured person and their family.​​​​​​

Why choose Hugh James?

Hugh James is a multi-service firm which offers help and support at a time when it is most needed. The solicitors identify your needs at the outset to guide you through the claims process. Throughout your claim, they will ensure you have access to rehabilitation, financial support and always seek to recover the highest levels of compensation possible.

The personal injury specialist solicitors at Hugh James have vast experience in handling these matters in a very sensitive nature and are committed to advocate on your behalf to make a difference.

How do I get financial support?

During your personal injury claim, Hugh James can request interim payments which can be used to fund the support and therapies that can assist your recovery and help get life back on track. These services might include counselling, physiotherapy and rehabilitation which can have a huge impact on recovery after an injury involving a motorcycle.

Do I have to use my Insurers’ solicitors?

After a motorcycle accident, you may be referred to a firm of solicitors through your insurer based on the financial arrangements between them, rather than because that firm is a specialist in dealing with life changing injuries. You do not have to instruct them as you are free to choose your own specialist solicitors even if that firm has started to act on your behalf. Hugh James are often contacted by clients after becoming aware of their reputation and ask them to take over conduct of their claim from the original solicitors.

Did you know?

Motorcyclists are 41 times more likely to face a fatality in a road traffic accident (RTA) compared to car occupants.

According to recent government data for 2021, there were 123 reported fatalities per billion miles for motorcyclists compared to only 3 for car occupants. Tragically, throughout the year, 310 motorcyclists lost their lives, accounting for 20% of all road user deaths.

Out of a total of 15,838 casualties among motorcyclists, 5,264 resulted in serious injuries, which could include brain injuries, spinal and orthopaedic injuries. The lack of protection, reduced visibility, and high speeds contribute to a heightened risk of serious injury or death for motorcyclists as a vulnerable road user.

Will I be able to make a claim after a motorcycle accident?

If you are a motorcyclist who has been involved in a collision caused by someone else, you have the option to make a claim to provide you with financial compensation to assist in your recovery from severe injuries. In unfortunate circumstances where the injured person is unable to make the claim themselves or has passed away, you can initiate the claim on their behalf.

What is the motorbike accident claims process?

First a solicitor is to be instructed to act as your representative where the firm will collect evidence to establish the facts surrounding the case and determine liability. The solicitors will assess the extent of your injuries and how they have affected your daily life. They will then endeavour to reach an agreement regarding liability and settlement. If an agreement cannot be reached, they will advocate for you in court, where a judge will make the final decision.

How much compensation can I claim?

It is not possible to estimate the amount of compensation as every claim and individual injuries are unique. The compensation amount is determined by various factors such as the extent of your injuries, the financial impact, and the loss of amenities. Compensation may also cover expenses such as medical treatment, caregiving costs, and damage to personal belongings.

Get in touch

Motorcycle accident claims are crucial in securing the financial support necessary for your recovery after a collision. Contact us today to speak with our experienced solicitors to make a claim after a motorcycle accident.

Case studies

Read some case studies how we have helped others in a similar position.